Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow (Half) Day!

Here goes my steadfast commitment to the blog... once every two weeks (whoo, yeah)! Yesterday was the first snowfall of the new year and always it was beautiful. What made it even prettier was the fact my boss was so concerned about me getting home safely that she let me off at 12:30 to beat the dangerous snow rush home. So yeah, you could say it is a good day. Now I'm home safe and looking forward to my one my most favorite activities, shoveling snow!! (no seriously, I am that fucked up)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Philosophy of Film

I love movies, I really do. Pay no attention to my snarky, pessimistic comments or my constant rejection of your invitations to the theatre. There is nothing better than sitting down and getting lost in a good movie. Unfortunately movies and Hollywood are attached at the hip (read wallet) and I don't like blindly supporting this industry by shelling out 10 bucks a pop to wade through garbage. There are entirely too many "films" that get made for no other reason that some schmuk is going to buy a ticket, a soundtrack, a t-shirt and themed action figures. Its my job as a responsible consumer to spend my dollars wisely and support the art, not the industry. The best way for me to do this is to exercise patience, wait for sound reviews and avoid movies ending in III.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Welcome! So I thought something new for the new year would be fun (and maybe take my mind off other things). I have flirted with blogs in the past with myspace, facebook etc. and they have all been dismal failures. I hope this can last a bit longer than the rest.

And speaking of blogs, this isn't one of them; this is more of a creative outlet about anything I want to talk about... that's what a blog is you say?!?! I don't give a shit, it is what I say it is because this is my... errr journal, diary, log, blog. Dammit.